Beware of spam Tarot sites
This is a little reminder to be cautious…
A friend of mine recently received an email from a tarot reader offering a free reading. That’s great – lots of tarot readers, including myself, do that from time to time. The idea is that if people like the reading they will come back later to buy a more in-depth reading, at a time that suits them and when they have a question to delve into or are feeling curious about their situation. I sometimes offer free readings on Facebook as a fun competition and to encourage people to like my page.
But this particular tarot reader that emailed my friend has a nasty goal. She (well the name and photo are of a lady – it could be a fake picture) – she gives the reading, which is quite generalised, then talks about something really bad that’s going to happen in the future. She describes an unknown event that will be extremely costly and says that it’s very important to get her help to overcome this problem. For a small fee of $79 she will tell the reader what to do next. It’s pure scaremongering!
I googled this tarot reader’s website, and received a long list of review sites stating that it is a con! What happens is that people are frightened into handing over the money, and they are then told they need to pay even more to prevent the terrible thing happening!! People who asked for a refund didn’t receive one and many, many people were seething. One website even said she had left the country to avoid jail for fraud!!
No genuine tarot reader would insist on payment to help a person in real need. NEVER be tricked into paying for any goods or services you didn’t ask for, simply because someone unscrupulous is telling you that something awful will happen if you don’t. It’s nonsense.
Usually, if a tarot reader does see something ‘bad’ in the cards, he or she will tell you in a positive way. The cards are a snapshot of a current situation – anything we see in the future is not set in stone. Sometimes it may be a warning to the person to change aspects of their life or behaviour in order to stay on a positive track, or it could be an indication that there are options ahead. A good tarot reading should leaving you feeling positive, motivated and with a clear idea of where to go from there.
Even in a worse-case scenario, no ethical tarot reader would insist on receiving a further payment to give another reading based on that. They should explain at the time what the cards are showing and why it may be important to change, and suggest ways of overcoming obstacles or problems. This may mean pulling an extra card for a client to clarify a point, but a true reader wouldn’t charge extra for this.
Always beware of free offers that are followed up with demands for money!!
If you’re paying for a reading, check out the reader first. I’m a member of both the Tarot Association of England and Wales and the Spiritual Workers Association,.and have many good reviews on my website from satisfied customers. Make sure you’re confident with the person you’re paying – and if in doubt, choose someone else. (If you choose me and you’re not happy for any reason, I offer a full refund – never been asked to give one, but the offer’s there.)
So book readings, learn, grow, clarify your thought processes and goals, and enjoy moving forward in a more informed way!! If you’d like me to help you with that, feel free to get in touch.
(On a final note – the people in the photo are models. It’s a stock photo that I bought for this blog; it’s not the tarot reader I’ve described above!)