Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

Can the Tarot tell me whether I should work abroad?

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarotAlthough the Tarot cards can offer you insights and guidance, the ultimate decision of whether or not to work abroad is a personal one that will always depend on various factors in your life.

The following six tarot cards are associated with career, travel and new opportunities. Keep an open mind and use them as a starting point for your own reflection and decision-making process.



  1. The World: This card symbolises completion, fulfilment and a sense of achievement. It suggests that working abroad could bring you new experiences and broaden your horizons.
  2. The Chariot: This card represents movement, determination, and overcoming obstacles – steering your own route and keeping to your planned path. It may indicate that a career abroad could be a challenging but rewarding endeavour that aligns with your ambitions.
  3. The Six of Pentacles: This card signifies generosity, balance and financial stability. It shows that working abroad may present financial opportunities or benefits.
  4. The Hierophant: This card represents tradition, guidance and seeking knowledge. It may suggest that going abroad could provide you with valuable cultural experiences and a chance to learn from different perspectives.
  5. The Eight of Wands: This card signifies swiftness, progress and opportunities. It indicates that working overseas may present you with exciting new prospects and a chance for personal growth.
  6. The Ace of Cups: This card represents new beginnings, emotional fulfilment and following your heart. It may suggest that working abroad could lead to personal satisfaction and a deeper sense of career satisfaction.

Tarot cards provide perspectives and considerations that may assist you in making your decision, but they should not be seen as definitive answers or predictions.

Ultimately, your decision to work abroad should be based on careful consideration of what you actually want, your personal circumstances, goals and desires. You also need to think about practical considerations such as logistics, finances and the impact on your personal relationships.

Ready to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving business readings to help business owners plan ahead, I love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

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