Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

Card of the day – Six of Pentacles

six of pentaclesI’ve taken a card at random to represent a snapshot of the day – and it’s a six for the sixth!! 

The Six of Pentacles reflects material security and charitable giving.  It indicates that you may be making a money-related choice today – perhaps you’ll choose to pop a coin in the charity box at the supermarket checkout later, or drop off some goods at the local charity shop.

As we all know, well balanced finances keep life happy and healthy.  You may be thinking about loaning money to a friend or relative in need.  I have already heard today: “Mum, can I have…?!”   

Or perhaps you’ll find yourself choosing to do something specifically to make money today. I know a few people who’ve been talking about sticking unwanted items on eBay… well this is a great day for that!

Today’s Tarot card comes from the fabulous ‘Housewives tarot’ – a pack designed with nostalgic 1950’s retro iconography.  The pictures are very Mad Men.  This cheeky little chap might not have finances on his mind, but what a lovely choice he’s faced with!!  Look out for more of the Housewives Tarot in the coming weeks…

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