Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

In a gipsy caravan, on a garden bench, at a corporate event – the story is the same!


As a Tarot reader, I love it when I get the chance to meet the people I’m reading for.

That’s why it’s great to read at events such as charity fetes, craft fairs and corporate events.  A steady stream of interested people pass by; sometimes eager to find out what the future might hold for them, and other times simply curious, intrigued by the colourful imagery laid out on my table.

tarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot LondonI was booked recently to take my Tarot cards to a weekend fete being run to raise money for the cattery where I got Charlie – the most recent addition to my family. He joined me a few weeks ago as an eight-month-old stray: miserable, confused and suffering from separation anxiety. He slotted in to my home perfectly and very quickly settled down into the happy, confident cat who’s sitting here watching my fingers fly across the keyboard!


The fete was held in a charming paved and gravel garden under a very warm autumn sun. The buildings were relatively new, but built with Tudor stone and brickwork, giving the impression of a historic site. It was a wonderful place to work.  Imagine my excitement to spot an authentic gipsy caravan nestled away in the corner!!

I read the Tarot for 14 people that weekend and gave my business card to a number of others. All went away feeling happier, more empowered and with a positive plan of things in their lives they may want to embrace or change. Remember, the future’s not set in stone – Tarot shows you a pathway that is yours to take or alter.

It doesn’t make a difference whether I’m reading in a painted caravan, on a garden bench, at a business event, at a hen party or in my tarot room at home. The cards tell a story – you story. Please get in touch if you’d like to hear yours.

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