King of Pentacles – trust his financial advice!
A man sits enthroned in a garden amid a profusion of plant life. His castle rises in the background. On his knee he holds a single pentacle (a circle emblazoned with a five-pointed star). In his other hand he holds a sceptre. He is the King of Pentacles.
Kings stand for dynamic forces and action or the need to take action. The suit of Pentacles (sometimes called Coins) relates to the material or financial aspects of life, such as business, work, and money.
As depicted in the Rider Waite Tarot deck, the card readily communicates the meanings of prosperity, fruition, and abundance. This king is an entrepreneur, someone who is successful, knows how to attract wealth, and finds opportunities everywhere he looks. He’s often an accountant or someone who works in finance or banking.
(Interestingly, my own accountant is the King of Pentacles! That’s the card I pulled for him and it describes him perfectly – even down to him being a Taurean!)
This card may represent a man with these qualities who is coming into your life or is already there. Or he may represent the qualities themselves. In the former case, he is likely to be a mature (forty or older) dark-haired and dark-eyed man who is possibly a Taurus, Virgo, or Capricorn. In the latter, the card may be advising you to become more entrepreneurial and to focus on making money or getting a better job.
In readings, the King of Pentacles asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. If it is reversed or poorly positioned, it suggests a need to be a dependable worker and a good steward of your finances. It may be cautioning you against laziness or foolish spending. Regardless of where it sits in your spread, this card is a harbinger of wealth – as long as you do the work to earn it and you have a mental attitude that attracts it.
Now go celebrate the abundance that this card brings, and be inspired by the king’s energy and financial know-how!
Want to learn more about this and other compelling Tarot cards? I can give you a single-card, three-card, and Celtic cross ten-card reading, all available via email. You’ll get a detailed written report that summarises your unique reading and explains each card, plus a photo of your individual card layout. To book your Email Tarot reading with the Weekend Witch (that’s me!), click here.