Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

Posts Tagged ‘medium’

Tarot, Angels and a weekend of wonderful readings

This weekend at a beautiful spiritual retreat in Kent was one of my best trips ever!!  Three days of workshops and spiritual development sessions, set in an idyllic location and run under the expert guidance of TV’s amazing Nicky Alan.

You may have seen Nicky providing comfort and hope to hundreds of people through her show, Angels.  As one of the world’s most acclaimed psychic mediums, with a stream of celebrity endorsements and books to her name, she was an awesome teacher.  Kind, gentle, guiding – and so full of infectious laughter and energy that the whole weekend was like a dynamic, surreal dream.

If you haven’t witnessed Nicky’s remarkable talent, check out her website for details of her next appearances.  She’s an accomplished Tarot reader but has channelled her excellence to working in the angel realm.  Our angel work was fitting for the environment: tiny cottages set in spiritually alert rose gardens and tiny chapels for healing and prayer.

I’m so happy to have made ten lovely new friends, including Tarot readers, Angel card readers. mediums, a psychic writer and a horse whisperer.   The readings we shared were accurate, perceptive and honest, bringing smiles, tears (not me) and, of course, an abundance of love.

I won’t go into detail here of the weekend’s astonishing experiences, but safe to say my credit card is trembling with anticipation, ready to book the next workshop…  I haven’t learnt, performed or laughed so much for as long as I can remember.  Sending thanks and much love to Nicky – and all my other new friends and soul sisters.

So… back to email and ready for my next Tarot reading! Will it be for you?