Moving forward with the Six of Swords
In a small boat, a standing man, a seated woman and a child, their backs turned towards us, move through a body of water towards land. The man’s gaze is fixed on his destination, but the heads of the woman and child are bowed, suggesting regret or sadness. In the boat with them are six upright swords. The water ahead is calm, but the water left behind is turbulent.
This is the image of the Six of Swords in the Rider Waite tarot deck.
Sixes typically refer to your journey through life. Swords are often symbols of intense action and radical change. The Six of Swords, then, suggests you’ve recently taken action for a major change in your life – or that you need to do so. You may grieve over what you must leave behind, but this card confirms that the change is a positive life action.
In addition, you may be about to overcome and recover from the effects of depression or extreme trauma. In the card’s image, the swords stuck into the bottom of the boat are not hindering its progress, nor is the boat taking on water and sinking. Swords represent difficulties or pain, but in this case the pain or difficulties of your past will not hold you back as you now move forwards into a new stage of your life. However, be mindful that you may be carrying those past difficulties forward with you; the calm waters ahead indicate that you’ll be able to cope better with them as they take on less relevance in your future life.
This card may also mean travel in the most literal sense – moving from one place to another. Or it can signal the end of a relationship, or changes wrought by going back to school, or a new and improved ‘you’ – achieved by diet and exercise, for example. Regardless, your life is soon to take a turn for the better, if it hasn’t already done so.
So rejoice and embrace the change heralded by the Six of Swords, and be confident that moving on is an excellent option for your future.
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