Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

Posts Tagged ‘zoom tarot’

Happy Ostara!

Ostara, also known as the Spring Equinox, is a pagan holiday that celebrates the arrival of spring and the balance between light and dark as day and night become equal in length. This lovely festival marks the beginning of the astronomical spring season.

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Ostara is often associated with themes of renewal, rebirth, fertility and growth. It is a time when the earth awakens from its winter slumber, and new life emerges in the form of budding plants, blooming flowers and newborn animals.

In case you’re wondering, the holiday is named after the Germanic goddess Ēostre, who represents dawn, fertility and the rising sun.

In many pagan traditions, Ostara is celebrated with rituals, ceremonies and symbolic activities that honor the changing seasons and the return of life to the earth.

In relation to Tarot, Ostara’s themes of renewal, rebirth and growth can be reflected in Tarot readings and interpretations. The Spring Equinox is seen as a time of balance and transition, making it an opportune moment for introspection, goal-setting and planning for the future. Tarot cards associated with Ostara include:

  1. The Fool: Symbolizing new beginnings, spontaneity and embracing the journey ahead.
  2. The Empress: Representing fertility, creativity and nurturing energy, aligning with Ostara’s themes of growth and abundance.
  3. The Ace of Cups: Signifying emotional renewal, spiritual awakening and the potential for deep emotional fulfillment.
  4. The Ace of Wands: Reflecting creative inspiration, passion and the spark of new ideas or projects taking root.
  5. The Wheel of Fortune: Symbolizing cycles of change, destiny and the turning of the seasons, highlighting the transition from winter to spring.

Overall, Ostara offers a powerful opportunity for spiritual reflection, growth and renewal. It invites us to embrace the energy of the season and harness its transformative potential in our lives.

Remember, tarot readings are a form of guidance and self-reflection; your own actions and choices ultimately shape your path in life.

Interested to see what’s in store for you this spring?

As well as giving personal readings by email, over Zoom and via WhatsApp, I can help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

Happy 2024! What will it bring for us all?

To kick off the new year I thought I’d do a reading for 2024. Rather than drawing the cards myself, I thought it might be interesting and fun to see what insights AI could offer. So I asked Chat GTP to simulate a tarot reading based on a random card selection and provide a general interpretation of what the cards might suggest for 2024.

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After typing in my question, Chat GTP gave me three virtual tarot cards for its overview of 2024:

The Wheel of Fortune: This card signifies change, cycles, and destiny. It suggests that 2024 may bring significant shifts and turning points in various aspects of life. Be prepared for both ups and downs, as this card symbolises the ever-changing nature of circumstances.

The Tower: This card represents sudden and unexpected upheavals or transformations. It indicates that there might be some disruptions or events that could shake things up significantly in 2024. It could be seen as a breaking down of old structures to make way for new beginnings.

The Empress: This card symbolises fertility, abundance, and nurturing energy. In the context of 2024, it suggests that amidst the changes and upheavals, there will be opportunities for growth, creativity and the flourishing of new ideas or projects.

It’s interesting that three Major Arcana cards have shown up!!  That confirms that the reading is important right now. Overall, it seems that 2024 might bring a mix of unpredictable changes, both positive and challenging, leading to transformative experiences. It’s a year that may encourage embracing change, nurturing new beginnings, and adapting to unexpected situations with resilience.

So, quite a generic reading that can actually be applied to what’s going on around us. I would have preferred to not see the Tower here, but realistically it does fit with current world events.

I would never use AI for a personal Tarot reading – I find that totally disingenuous and unethical. If you would like to know what the year holds for you I’ll be happy to read your cards over Zoom or WhatsApp, or to send you an email reading.

Interested to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings, I help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as a discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more about this, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

How can the Tarot help me move forward in my career?

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Tarot cards are used as a tool for self-reflection, gaining insights, and exploring possibilities rather than predicting a fixed future. In terms of your career, here’s how tarot might help you:





  1. Self-reflection: Tarot readings can encourage introspection about your career aspirations, strengths, weaknesses and desires. They might prompt you to contemplate your current situation and what you truly want from your career.
  2. Clarity and guidance: Tarot cards can offer perspectives or guidance on your career path. They can highlight aspects of your professional life that you may not have considered or bring attention to factors influencing your current situation.
  3. Decision-making: When facing choices or dilemmas in your career, tarot readings can provide alternative viewpoints or factors to consider. They might not give a definitive answer but could shed light on potential outcomes or consequences of different choices.
  4. Identifying obstacles: Tarot can help identify potential obstacles or challenges in your career and offer insights into how to overcome them. This might involve recognizing limiting beliefs, fears, or external factors impacting your progress.
  5. Setting goals: Through tarot readings, you can gain clarity on your career goals and aspirations. This might involve understanding what steps to take or what mindset shifts are needed to achieve those goals.

When using tarot for career guidance, here are some tips:

  • Be open-minded: Approach tarot with an open mind and readiness to receive guidance or insights, even if they might challenge your current perceptions.
  • Focus your questions: Ask specific questions related to your career. For example, “What steps can I take to advance in my career?” or “What should I focus on to achieve success in my chosen field?”
  • Reflect on the readings: After a tarot reading, take time to reflect on the messages conveyed by the cards. Consider how they relate to your situation and what actions or changes you can make based on the insights gained.
  • Integrate with practical action: While tarot can offer guidance, it’s important to combine it with practical action. Use the insights gained from the reading to inform your decisions and actions in your career.

Remember, tarot readings are a form of guidance and self-reflection; your own actions and choices ultimately shape your career path. If you’re uncertain, consulting a professional tarot reader or counselor might provide more personalized insights and guidance.

Interested to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings by email, over Zoom and via WhatsApp, I can help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

Which Spooky Tarot Cards Represent Halloween?

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarotHalloween is often associated with themes of mystery, the supernatural and the unknown, which can be reflected in various Tarot cards. While there is no one specific card that represents Halloween, several cards are often linked to the holiday due to their imagery and symbolism, evoking the spirit of the season.

Here are a few tarot cards that are commonly associated with Halloween:



The Moon:

The Moon is associated with mystery, the subconscious and the hidden aspects of life. Its imagery often includes a night scene with a full moon, which aligns with the eerie and mysterious atmosphere of Halloween.

The High Priestess:

The High Priestess represents intuition, psychic abilities and hidden knowledge. Her connection to the mystical and the unknown makes her a perfect card to show up in Halloween-themed readings.

The Devil:

The Devil is associated with temptation, bondage and the darker aspects of human nature. It can be seen as a representation of the supernatural and the spooky side of Halloween.

The Tower:

The Tower signifies sudden and dramatic change, often brought on by a revelation or crisis. Its imagery of a tower being struck by lightning can evoke the sense of upheaval and transformation often associated with Halloween.

The Hanged Man:

The Hanged Man can represent surrender, sacrifice and a different perspective. The card’s imagery of a figure hanging upside down can be seen as a symbol of the supernatural or the otherworldly.


The Death card symbolizes transformation, rebirth and the end of one phase to make way for another. While it can be a bit unsettling, it fits well with Halloween’s themes of life and death.

The Ace of Pentacles:

Whilst the other cards in this list are all Trump cards (Major Arcana), this card represents material abundance and the potential for prosperity. In a Halloween context, it could be seen as a symbol of harvest and abundance, aligning with the autumn season.

Remember that the interpretation of Tarot cards can vary depending on the context of the reading. When using Tarot cards in a Halloween setting, it’s essential to consider the specific symbolism and meanings that resonate with you and the intentions of the reading or ritual.