Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

The Tarot and Seven Hexes from an Irish Witch

The Irish occultist Tara Tine has a YouTube blog called “Diary of a Ditch Witch.” Here’s intriguing material from her recent video, “7 Excellent Irish Curses,” and some correspondences to the Tarot.

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarot1. “May your house fall upon you.” This curse reminds me of the Tower card in the Tarot, which in many decks shows a turret struck by lightning. If you’ve got a leaky roof or a troublesome boiler, perhaps your ex sent this spell your way.

2. “My cat curses you.” This calls to mind the black cat at the feet of the Queen of Wands. This Queen epitomizes a witch: determined, self-confident, sexy, and powerful. You don’t want her cat to curse you. In addition, Gaelic folklore includes a figure called “Cat-sìth” (pronounced “Cat Shee-ha”), a black feline with a white chest who is a shapeshifting witch.

3. “May you be badly positioned on a windy day.” It’s the opposite of the Irish blessing: “May the wind be always at your back.” In the Tarot, the entire suit of Swords comprises the element of air, and some Swords cards carry negative meanings, especially if positioned badly.

4. “Six cartloads of graveyard clay upon you.” Several Internet pages tell how to use cemetery dirt in spells. The Tarot’s Death card typically shows no graveyard, but Judgement depicts bodies rising from coffins. These two cards aren’t always threatening, however; the former can mean the death of something negative, such as a divorce from an abusive husband, and the latter stands for new beginnings.

5. “May you have red diarrhoea.” This one is almost humorous until you consider that bloody diarrhoea is a symptom of illness, including bubonic plague. Some say the Fool card has to do with sickness, especially for those foolish or careless about their health.

6. “May the Devil make a ladder of your backbone, while picking apples in the Garden of Hell.” Of course, this calls up (literally) the Devil. That card warns against entrapment; the couple on the Rider-Waite card are in chains. It also cautions against a lack of moderation.

7. “The trees have been felled in the woods where your race lives.” Sounds like an environmentalist warning against abusing our planet’s resources. I’m reminded of the Two of Wands, which in the Rider-Waite deck shows a man standing between two sprouting staves and contemplating a globe. Fortunately, this card holds the promise of growth and prosperity—the opposite of any curse!

Want more information about Tarot cards and readings? I’m pleased to offer single-card, three-card, and Celtic Cross ten-card readings at various price ranges, all via email or face-to-face across Zoom or Skype.

And, although the world is an uncertain place right now, if you’re planning a future party — whether it’s an intimate get-together or a large-scale event, consider adding the excitement of Tarot readings. I’d love to chat with you, so to find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

I am the Weekend Witch, and I can’t wait to help you meet your destiny!

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