Look out for me on Netflix!

I was privileged to be invited recently to one of beautiful Ballingdon Hall’s spiritual retreat breaks. But it wasn’t all about relaxing and meditating away any negativities or self doubts I may have been harbouring – this particular invitation was to be filmed for an upcoming Netflix documentary series!
Along with my friend Lesley Reynolds (who owns Ballingdon with her husband Dr Aamer Khan), a world-renown clairvoyant is hosting the retreats. Lee Whyberd is a remarkable, highly sensitive medium who is in demand across the globe. He practices in London, Dubai and Mumbai, and regularly works with international Royalty – and even ‘those that shall not be named’ at the White House!
So my time was spent involved in Tarot readings, psychometry, clairvoyance, inner goddess work and some fantastic meditations. Lee and the team of therapists were superb, and I made friends with a group of highly talented, incredible people that I’m sure will stay close.
Ballingdon Hall is the most stunning Tudor manor house! Built around 1590, its oak beamed charm delighted all the guests as we dined in the splendour of the great hall. (That’s another story!! The food was outstanding! Ballingdon’s chef uses fresh produce grown in the lovely kitchen garden; everything was beautifully presented and the portions were huge!)
My stunning bedroom was well appointed with fresh fruit and flowers, and a full range of Ballingdon Hall’s own toiletries. If this were a hotel it would effortlessly qualify for five stars – but it’s not; this is my friends’ home, and guests are made to feel comfortable and welcome.
During filming, we were lucky to enjoy days of uninterrupted sunshine, cavorting through the 20 acre landscape with its secret hideaways, woodlands, lakes, fairies and chickens. (The peacocks have moved on but alpacas are coming soon!) The film crew were lovely as their cameras rolled, unobtrusively bearing witness to the truths being flung out by the Tarot cards.
Interestingly, it’s not the first time Ballingdon’s been filmed. In 1970, its then owners decided to move their Grade Two listed building half a mile up the hill, away from a new housing estate Suffolk council was proposing. The lovely house was wrapped in a steel casing, then literally lifted off its foundations and transported to its current location. You’ll find vintage footage on YouYube if you’d like to see more about this – it’s absolutely fascinating.
So did the ghosts move with their timeless home, or are they floating aimlessly in Sudbury, wondering where their drawing room has gone? Anything I learned or experienced during my stay, well… what happens at Ballingdon – stays right here, lips tightly zipped… (Apart from the secrets that will be revealed when the show hits your TV screen next year!)
From start to finish, my time at the retreat was an absolute joy! Lesley’s team fell over backwards to make us welcome, and the attention to detail was wonderful.
My thanks to Lesley Reynolds and Dr Aamer Khan for sharing their delightful home, and to Lee Whyberd and all the therapists for a hugely enjoyable few days.