Tarot by Email

Your personalised Tarot reading with The Weekend Witch

Posts Tagged ‘zoom tarot’

How can I get more balance in my friendships?

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarotAlthough a higher percentage of people that come to me for a reading ask about romantic relationships, I’m sometimes asked about friendships.  So what can the Tarot tell us about these equally important relationships?

Balance in friendships can be influenced by various tarot cards, and the relevance of specific cards can depend on the context of your situation. Here are a few tarot cards that are often associated with balance in friendships and can provide guidance:


Justice: This card represents fairness, truth, and balance. It suggests that fairness and equity are essential in your friendships. Ensure that you and your friends are treating each other justly and honestly.

Two of Pentacles: The Two of Pentacles represents balance, adaptability, and juggling multiple priorities. It can indicate the need to manage your time and energy effectively to maintain harmony in your friendships.

Six of Cups: This card is about nostalgia, harmony, and reconnecting with the past. It can suggest that revisiting shared memories and a sense of mutual understanding from the past can help restore balance in your friendships.

Temperance: This card embodies balance, patience, and harmony. It encourages you to find the middle ground and avoid extremes in your friendships. It also signifies the need for patience and moderation.

The Empress: This card represents nurturing, abundance, and harmony. It suggests that a caring and nurturing approach to your friendships can help maintain balance and harmony.

Ten of Cups: This card symbolizes emotional fulfillment and harmony in relationships. It signifies that achieving emotional satisfaction and contentment with your friends is key to maintaining balance.

When seeking balance in your friendships, it’s essential to remember that tarot cards offer guidance and insight, but they should be used as a tool for reflection rather than definitive answers. Trust your intuition and consider how these cards resonate with your specific situation to make the most of the guidance they provide.

Interested to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings by email, over Zoom and via WhatsApp, I can help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

Can the Tarot help me to stop making the same mistakes in relationships?

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarotYes!! That’s the short answer!

The Tarot can certainly give guidance to help you. But what are the mistakes you’re making, then making again and again?

Whilst it would be great to be able to answer this on a personal level, it’s impossible to do so in a blog and without knowing the context, However, I can certainly provide you with a fictional scenario using Tarot card archetypes to address the question of how to stop repetitive relationship mistakes.


Let’s imagine a scenario where someone is struggling with repeated relationship mistakes and seeks guidance from the Tarot. We’ll do a seven card spread:

Situation: The Seeker keeps repeating relationship mistakes

The Seeker approaches the Tarot reader seeking guidance on how to break free from repeating the same relationship mistakes. They’ve noticed a pattern of rushing into relationships without considering their own needs and boundaries, leading to disappointment and heartache.

Card 1: The Fool (Reversed) – Representing Past Mistakes

The Fool in reverse suggests that the Seeker has been acting impulsively, jumping into relationships without a clear sense of direction. They’ve been repeating the same naive mistakes, not learning from their past experiences.

Card 2: The Hanged Man – Reflecting on the Situation

The Hanged Man indicates the need for a new perspective. The Seeker must take a step back and suspend their usual approach. It’s time to reflect on their patterns and consider how they’ve been contributing to their own cycle of disappointments.

Card 3: The Chariot – Taking Control

The Chariot represents the Seeker’s ability to take control of their impulses. They must harness their energy and determination to move forward intentionally. This card suggests setting clear intentions before rushing into a new relationship.

Card 4: The Lovers – Exploring Self-Love

The Lovers card encourages the Seeker to cultivate self-love and self-awareness. Before seeking love from others, they need to understand their own desires, values, and boundaries. This self-love will guide them toward healthier relationships.

Card 5: Temperance – Finding Balance

Temperance advises the Seeker to find balance in their approach to relationships. They should blend their desires with patience and careful consideration. Taking things slowly and allowing connections to develop naturally will lead to more meaningful partnerships.

Card 6: Judgment – Learning from Mistakes

The Judgment card signifies a wake-up call and a chance for the Seeker to learn from their past mistakes. They must confront their patterns and acknowledge the role they’ve played in creating their relationship experiences. This introspection will lead to personal growth.

Card 7: The Empress – Nurturing Relationships

The Empress symbolises nurturing and abundance. The Seeker must focus on creating relationships that are built on mutual care and respect. By tending to these connections and allowing them to flourish, they can break free from their old patterns.


In this fictional scenario, the Tarot cards serve as symbolic guides, offering insight and advice on how to stop making the same mistakes in relationships. Remember that Tarot interpretations vary widely, and the guidance provided here is just one possible interpretation.

(The beautiful cards in the photo are from the Ethereal Visions deck. They’re lovely, very delicate and swirly, but probably weren’t the best choice for a photo!)

Ready to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings, I help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

Can the tarot predict if I’ll go abroad this summer?

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Planning a summer getaway? Here are a few cards that are associated with the idea of a holiday or travel:

  • The Fool: The Fool is often linked to new beginnings and spontaneous adventures. It can represent a sense of freedom and a willingness to take risks, which aligns with the idea of going on a holiday.


  • The Six of Swords: This card can symbolize moving away from difficulties or making a journey towards a calmer and more peaceful environment. It may suggest a change of scenery, such as going on a holiday.


  • The Chariot: This Trump card can also indicate a journey, progress or movement forward. In the context of a holiday, it might represent traveling to new places and exploring different experiences.


  • The Two of Cups: While not directly related to holidays, the Two of Cups can signify a harmonious and joyful time spent with a loved one or a partner. It may imply a romantic getaway or a shared holiday experience.


  • The Ten of Pentacles: This card can represent abundance, fulfillment, and family gatherings. In the context of a holiday, it may indicate a celebration or spending quality time with family and loved ones.


  • The Three of Cups: This card often signifies festivities, celebrations, and happy gatherings with friends or community. While not specifically indicating a holiday, it can suggest socializing and enjoying leisure time.

Tarot cards are a tool used for self-discovery and gaining insights into various aspects of your life. They provide guidance and show potential outcomes, but it’s essential to remember that they are not a guaranteed method for predicting your future.

The interpretation of the Tarot cards relies heavily on the reader’s intuition and interpretation of the cards’ symbolism, and may touch upon issues such as your finances. However – especially with the current cost of living crisis, if you’re considering going abroad you should consider practical planning, assessing your current situation, and making informed decisions based on your resources and circumstances.

Ready to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings, I help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.

How can the Tarot help my anxiety?

tarot | zoomtarot | tarotbyemail | emailtarot | tarot readings | tarot reader | Tarot London | corporate tarot | business tarotTarot cards are commonly used as a tool for divination and self-reflection. While they cannot provide definitive solutions or medical advice for anxiety, they can potentially offer insights, guidance, and a fresh perspective on your situation. Here are a few ways in which the tarot might help with anxiety:





  1. Self-reflection: Tarot cards can act as a mirror, reflecting your thoughts, feelings, and subconscious patterns. By engaging with the cards, you may gain a deeper understanding of your anxiety triggers, underlying emotions, and potential areas for personal growth.
  2. Increased self-awareness: Tarot readings can encourage self-awareness by prompting you to contemplate your current state, identify your fears, and explore potential paths forward. This process can help you develop a clearer understanding of your anxiety and its root causes.
  3. Empowerment: Tarot can provide a sense of empowerment and agency by offering different perspectives and potential outcomes. It reminds you that you have choices and can take proactive steps to manage your anxiety. The cards can highlight your strengths, resources, and opportunities for personal development.
  4. Emotional validation: Anxiety can be isolating, and it’s common to feel misunderstood or invalidated. Tarot cards can provide a form of emotional validation by acknowledging and addressing your concerns. They offer a non-judgmental space to explore and express your emotions.
  5. Mindfulness and relaxation: Engaging with tarot can be a mindful and calming practice. The act of shuffling the cards, focusing on a specific question or situation, and interpreting the imagery can help you enter a more relaxed state. This can be beneficial for managing anxiety symptoms.

It’s important to note that tarot readings should not replace professional help for anxiety. If you’re experiencing severe anxiety or mental health issues, it’s advisable to consult with a qualified therapist or healthcare provider. Tarot can be a supportive tool to complement professional guidance, but it’s not a substitute for appropriate medical or therapeutic intervention.

Remember that it’s also important to approach tarot readings with an open mind and consider them as a form of self-reflection and inspiration rather than definitive predictions of the future. Nothing is ever set in stone, and everyone is empowered to change their path if they don’t like the one they’re on.

Ready to see what’s in store for you?

As well as giving personal readings, I help business owners to plan ahead and strategise using the cards as discussion tool. I also love reading at corporate events. To find out more, please email info@tarotbyemail.com.